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Conversor de Moedas


Road transport can add more value to your business. So we offer trucking services combined with what we do best to meet the specific needs of our customers. Furthermore, the close relationship with our units around the world allows us to serve clients whose needs go beyond simply moving a load from point A to point B.

We combine our expertise in local and international road transport with our core competency of international air and sea, so we can offer a multimodal service with high added value to their business, and considering their economic objectives and sustainability.
The Victors Logistics Ltd. has operations worldwide daily connecting with a door-to-door service that is fast, efficient and reliable. Powerful national networks combine shipping service domestic to international transport in major cities.
Our structure with more than 58 employees in specialized trucking division has focused on customer orientation and commitment to your satisfaction, and ensures a high standard of efficiency and quality.

- Transport Container 20 `and 40`
- Container Stuffing
- Transportation under special Customs Transit (DTA)
- Transportation of sensitive cargo and refrigerated
- Distribution of goods
- Storage in our own building, with full insurance
- Handling of cargo and return packaging
- Control of entry and exit of goods


- Fleet tracked and monitored via satellite
- Liability Insurance
- Theft Insurance
- Risk Management
- Authorization ANVISA for transporting drugs
- CTF supply system


Victors Log
. Quem Somos

Visão & Missão

Serviços Expressos
O Serviço
Portfólio de Serviços
Abrangência Mercadológica
Exportação Facilitada
Exemplo de Nota Fiscal
Produtos Perigosos
Peso e Cubagem?
 Nacional (Doméstico)


Serviços de Logística
. Carga Aérea
. Frete Marítimo
. Frete Rodoviário
. Despacho Aduaneiro
. Soluções para cadeia de suprimentos
. Logística Internacional


Últimas Notícias

. Cotação
. Coleta

. Cadastro de Cliente
. Trabalhe Conosco
. Fale Conosco


Rua Latif Fakhouri, 298
Vila Santa Catarina

São Paulo - SP - Brasil
CEP. : 04367–010

Fone.: 55 11 5034-1995
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