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Companies throughout the country can identify Electronic Invoices issued against your CNPJ

Companies throughout the country can identify Electronic Invoices issued against your CNPJ
Companies can identify the Electronic Invoice (NF-e) issued against her in any CNPJ Brazilian state. The Finance Department of the State of São Paulo has developed software that allows companies from all regions of Brazil have access to the ratio of NF-issued number for your records. The measure brings security to recipients of NF-e, which can follow the flow of trade, finds evidence of fraud or simulations involving the misuse of your CNPJ and signal the taxman is recognized or not given operation.
The Application Demonstration Recipient is free and available to taxpayers in the Department of Finance website. The link for download, including general guidelines for installation and use, is available on the NF-e, the address O endereço de e-mail address está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa ativar o JavaScript enabled para vê-lo. ml = "target =" _blank "> https://www.fazenda.sp.gov. br / nfe. this feature is free and voluntary use by businesses and brings the advantage of indicating the occurrence of the transaction and avoid unnecessary cancellation of the NF-e by error or fraud. With this new software, the addressees of NF-e will manifest when the occurrence or not of commercial operation.

The new tool will also simplify the work of bookkeeping tax because centralize information in a single application. The creation of a tool with such features attends a claim of the Commercial Association of São Paulo presented to Treasury on contacts made in late 2012 and the Association of Accounting and Business Services Corporate Advisory, Forensics, Info and Research in the State of São Paulo (Sescon).
In late February, the Treasury Department will make available to taxpayers and accountants a new version of the program that will download the XML file of the NF-e (s) relating to commercial operations that were confirmed by recipients.
From March 1, 2013, the manifestation by the recipient of the operation, will be mandatory for fuel distributors. This procedure is compulsory for gas stations and retail carriers from 1st July 2013.
More in this category: «Balance of trade is the biggest deficit in 24 years ICMS - SP - New Requirement Gathering of Early»


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