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Cotação de Moedas

Cotações fornecidas por Forex Pros

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Brazilian exports , the entry in the country of export figures can be carried in national or foreign , before or after the shipment of goods or the provision of services currency and foreign exchange contracts may be concluded for immediate or future delivery .

    However , the Regulations of the Exchange and Capital Markets ( RMCCI ) mentions in her Title 1 , Chapter 11 , Section 1 , Item 2 , the exporter of goods and / or services can remain abroad , completeness resources regarding the receipt of its exports .

Thus , if the exporter decided to leave the value for its export abroad, must provide the Statement on the Use of Funds in Foreign Currency Receipt Arising from Export ( Derex ) .

This document was created by SRF Normative Instruction 726/ 07 , which set out details of its utilization , presentation and prediction penalty for the person or entity that fails to submit a statement or present her with inaccuracies or omissions .

   Resources held abroad may be used in financial investments, or even for payment of obligations of the exporter .

The entity that maintains funds abroad must present a Derex the Federal Revenue of Brazil with the information referred to in Article 6 of the aforementioned SRF No. 726 / 07 , should be segregated , by month , by country, currency and financial institution and also keep accounting records in accordance with commercial law, to evidence , notably , their balances and their movements, regardless of the system of calculation of income tax.

   The exporter shall retain all supporting operations conducted abroad , relating to the origin and use of resources of the receipt of export documents , and submit them when requested , to the tax authority of the Federal Revenue of Brazil .

Thus , it is clear that Derex was created so that the IRS could monitor and control the currency left by the exporter in financial institutions abroad. This document must be submitted by the last working day of the month of June, compared to the immediately preceding calendar year in digital media through the use of application , available in the RFB website.


Victors Log
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Rua Latif Fakhouri, 298
Vila Santa Catarina

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CEP. : 04367–010

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