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That there is no legislation that specifically deals with the import made by an individual?

That, with some exceptions (DSI recorded by courier, mail server or RFB), the import record made by the individual or his legal representative Siscomex depends on qualification Radar?

That the individual can only import goods in quantities not characterize for commercial or customary character?

There is no limit on the value of imports, except in the case of orders shipped via courier (Dire / post), with application of the Simplified Taxation System (RTS), whose limit is up to $ 3,000.00 or the equivalent in other currency?

That the customs clearance on behalf of individuals may be used as Simplified Import Declaration (DSI), respecting the limit mentioned in the previous item?

That DSI can be transmitted for registration by the Unit of RFB server where customs clearance is processed by the function itself Siscomex?

That in the case of the previous item, the Local Unit of RFB shall provide the importer with the necessary equipment for the formulation of the DSI?

That property included international postage worth up

$ 50.00 will be resourceful with exemption from import tax, provided that the sender and recipient are individuals?

That the import will be taxed normally (IPI, ICMS and PIS / COFINS-Import), except in the case:

- Small orders when applied to the RTS rate of 60%, or

- Luggage, which will be applied at a rate of 50% on the amount exceeding the exemption limit ($ 500.00)?

That goods subject to customs clearance based on RTS are exempt from IPI and PIS / COFINS-Import?

That in the case of treatment, the import of medicine with zero rate of II depends on the presentation of the prescription endorsed by the competent authority of the Ministry of Health?

The import customs clearance of drugs purchased abroad, custom individual resident in the country, and transported, free of charge, by the company that operates on regular air service, authorized by the local customs, will be processed in a simplified , based on the declaration, according to the model itself, and will comply with specific standard approved by the IRS?

The carrier of drugs should identify each tagged own volume, containing serial number, company name, flight number and origin of the date of shipment and the expression "products intended for individuals"?


Victors Log
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Visão & Missão

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Abrangência Mercadológica
Exportação Facilitada
Exemplo de Nota Fiscal
Produtos Perigosos
Peso e Cubagem?
 Nacional (Doméstico)


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Vila Santa Catarina

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CEP. : 04367–010

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