The Simplified Export Declaration - DSE is a representative document of exports of small and medium value - up to $ 50,000 - with simplified procedures before the Siscomex. This electronic document issued by ECT / COURIER in terminal connected to SISCOMEX is valid for use up to 15 days for shipping.
DSE - Important Data
In preparing the SDR should be provided the following information regarding the nature of the export operation:
1. Type of exporter
Identification of the person who is promoting the country's output of goods exported.
2. Nature of operation
Identification of the type of export which will elaborate the export declaration, as shown.
3. UL dispatch
The SRF unit responsible for implementing the procedures necessary for the customs clearance of the goods exported, according to the table Organs of SRF, administered by SRF.
4. UL boarding
The SRF unit responsible for controlling the loading or boundary crossing of goods exported, according to the table Organs of SRF, administered by SRF.
5. Stored charge
Indicative storage or not in a bonded warehouse, cargo being exported.
6. Identification of exporter
Registration number of the exporter in the CPF or CNPJ.
7. Legal representative
Document number of the person authorized to represent the ECT or international express shipping company / COURIER.
8. Country of final destination
Code of the country of final destination of goods exported, according to the Countries table, administered by the Central Bank.
9. Transport route
Route used in international cargo transport, according to the table.
10. Carrier vehicle
Vehicle identification carrier of the goods exported.
11. Gross weight
Gross weight of the goods exported, expressed in kg (kilograms) and split up to five decimal places.
12. Total value of the goods
Total value of the goods subject of the order, in Reais.
13. Period of temporary export
Period, in days, required for keeping the goods abroad.
14. Volumes
Species, quantity and marking of packages object of the order, except for bulk goods.
15. NCM
Commodity code according to the Mercosur Common Nomenclature NCM.
16. Featured
Highlight of the goods within the NCM code, for the purpose of approval of another body.
If there are highlights NCM for that rating or to be exported does not fall in any of the highlights, the exporter shall inform the code 999.
17. Quantity in unit of measure
Amount of exported goods, the statistical unit of measure established for NCM.
18. Marketing drive
Unit sales of merchandise and quantity exported in the unit.
19. Net weight
Net weight of the goods object of the order, expressed in kg (kilograms) and split up to five decimal places.
20. Currency
Code of currency traded as table Currencies, administered by the Central Bank.
21. Value in a condition of sale
Value of exported goods in salable condition, the currency traded.
22. Description
Additional description of the goods exported.
23. Declaration linked
Number and date of registration of the import declaration bound, in case of return abroad of goods subject to temporary admission.
24. Respect of goods
Quantity, value and description of goods exported, re-exported or returned, when it comes to shipping error, donation character of humanitarian aid, goods cultural, return or refusal of customs regime.