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REI - Registration of Exporters and Importers

REI - Registration of Exporters and Importers

  REI ( Registration of Exporters and Importers ) is a register that companies should take to export and / or import . The inscription at REI is automatic upon the first operation , without further formalities .
  The inscription in the Register of Exporters and Importers (REI ) is a basic condition for the realization of export transactions or import . The exporter or importer enrolled at REI prior to deployment SISCOMEX has the inscription maintained without the need for any additional actions . The exporter or importer has not enrolled at REI , falls upon its first operation SISCOMEX to inform the number of registration in the General Taxpayers ( CGC ) or Registry of Individuals ( CPF ) .
Connecting equipment to SISCOMEX is realized by the Network SISBACEN for banks and brokers and the Exchange Network SERPRO in other cases. Those interested can get the Manual Basic Guidelines for interconnection Network SERPRO computer . Access to SISCOMEX could be made, after enabled and licensed in :
• Banco do Brazil operating in foreign trade ;
• other banks operating in rates;
• exchange brokers ;
• customs brokers ;
• on the premises of the exporter or importer , subject to the specific criteria for connection ;
• other entities entitled ;
• rooms taxpayers the IRS.

   Exporters , importers , customs brokers , commissioners , carriers , custodians and other entities wishing to operate directly SISCOMEX must have a password provided by the Bureau of Foreign Trade or the Internal Revenue Service . Interconnected financial institutions to have access to SISBACEN SISCOMEX from their deployment .
Remains the possibility of the exporter or importer to delegate a representative recording , monitoring and compliance requirements in relation to aspects of trade, exchange rate , fiscal and customs of their export transactions or deimportação . The legal requirements for appointing a representative have not changed with the advent of SISCOMEX .

REI requirements for individuals

In the case of individuals , the requirements for registration in the Registry of Importers and Exporters are, among others :
• be able to exercise by yourself , trade ;
• register with the Internal Revenue Service ( " Dirección General Impositiva " ) , linked to the AFIP , through the Single Tax Identification Key ( CUIT ) ;
• demonstrate financial solvency and grant a guarantee in favor of the Directorate General of Customs , linked to the AFIP as determining the regulation and second , to ensure the faithful performance of their duties .

REI requirements for legal entities

In the case of legal entities, the requirements for enrollment in this record are , among others :
• be registered in the Public Registry of Commerce , linked to the General Inspection of Justice , the Ministry of Justice , Security and Human Rights , or , depending on the case , the corresponding body , and present their social contracts or statutes ;
• register with the Internal Revenue Service ( " Dirección General Impositiva " ) , linked to the AFIP , through the Single Tax Identification Key ( CUIT ) ;
• demonstrate financial solvency and grant a guarantee in favor of the Directorate General of Customs , linked to the AFIP , to ensure full compliance with his obligations in accordance with the regulations that determine .


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