That unfair practices in international trade are dumping and subsidy?
That the meaning of subsidy, in the broad sense , is the grant of a benefit that aims to enable the exporter to put their products in the international market at a lower price ?
That subsidy is characterized when there is a financial contribution by a government or public body within the territory of the exporting country , or when the exporting country support any form of income or price that occurs directly or indirectly , contribute to increase exports or reduce imports of any product ?
What's dumping when a company exports a product to Brazil practicing a price lower than that practicing for like product sales to the domestic market export?
The term "damage" means material injury or threat of material injury to the domestic industry already established or delay in deployment of an industry ?
That the information of the last five years on domestic production of the product concerned and imports , sales , exports , inventories , prices , costs , employment and ability to determine the existence of injury or threat of injury to domestic industry , it is necessary production enterprises to submit the application?
That there was no finding that domestic production has been damaged , the request for deployment of the measure will be denied ?
That once a domestic producer finds that its domestic sales are affected by certain imports traded in " unfair conditions " has the right to request official bodies protective measures for your industry ?
What security measures are initiated with the establishment of the research process. If any irregularity is observed downloaded an interim compensation , effective until final action be enacted and may be retroactive ?
That the maximum period , provisionally, is at most six months, the maximum period , definitively , is five years . In case of revision , confirmed the continuation or repetition of the damage , the measure may be reapplied ?
That anti-dumping and countervailing duties are those charged in local currency , which corresponds to an important difference in price of the product , when lower than normally practiced ?
That , without the payment of anti-dumping duty on registration of the DI , subject to the same rules governing the event of non-payment or late, ie , interest and penalties ?