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Cotação de Moedas

Cotações fornecidas por Forex Pros

Conversor de Moedas


Fiscal Note Example Export Tied Simplified USD 50,000.00

Place or name, address, phone, zip code, country name, city City foreign company (COMPANY BUYER)

On state registration field and CNPJ: Leave blank

In nature field gives place word = Export Operation

In code gives Operation field:

7101 When They company is manufacturer.

(Should record information is not emitted into the body of SP nf: Incidence not ICMS conf. Inc. V Section 7 of RICMS, immunity. IPI conf. Art. Inc. 18 2)

7102 When They Has intermediating or marketing company.

(this information should corporate record gives the nf. Issued on SP: No Incidence of the VAT, ARTICLE 7,

POINT V of DECREE 45 490, 30.11.2000)

"Always Remembering That these are only explanatory information helps level. To further enlightening information and customer Ultimately Sender or should consult his or counter. Avoiding so we can disorders. Possible Not Responsible for these information"


7900 Out of Other Goods or Services of Services

demo 7949

Discretion merchandise should be filled in Portuguese and in real values.

The remaining of the invoice shall be filled Normally note and not prune No information missing.

No place carrier field: Victor's Logistics Ltd

A / C = Airport to Airport

D / D = Porta a Porta (Door to Door)




Payment is relates to the following services:

International Transport + certificate of origin issued + + When They ANY statement Export simplified payment of customs duty + Storage + release Infraero, etc..

Or not payment of tax / outdoor destination. Case for accounting there will the importer. We do Door to Door services cases (D / D) case or importer will pay taxes or be reversed herself refuses exporter in Brazil.


Or be sure to prune the goods requested by past information, destination, type of merchandise, merchandise gives value and gross weight.


Victors Log
. Quem Somos

Visão & Missão

Serviços Expressos
O Serviço
Portfólio de Serviços
Abrangência Mercadológica
Exportação Facilitada
Exemplo de Nota Fiscal
Produtos Perigosos
Peso e Cubagem?
 Nacional (Doméstico)


Serviços de Logística
. Carga Aérea
. Frete Marítimo
. Frete Rodoviário
. Despacho Aduaneiro
. Soluções para cadeia de suprimentos
. Logística Internacional


Últimas Notícias

. Cotação
. Coleta

. Cadastro de Cliente
. Trabalhe Conosco
. Fale Conosco


Rua Latif Fakhouri, 298
Vila Santa Catarina

São Paulo - SP - Brasil
CEP. : 04367–010

Fone.: 55 11 5034-1995
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