What is ?
The Simplex is an initiative of the government not sense debureaucratize Brazilian ace Export operations of securities tied to small U.S. $ 50,000.00 (fifty thousand U.S. dollars two), or equivalent in other currencies or.
Legal Base
• Change Simplified (Simplex)
Circular No. 2836, of 09.08.1998, do Banco Central do Brasil - systematic breeding erly or simplified and allows two values ingresso seja cartão conduzido THROUGH outside no credit issued.
• Simplified Exportação Registration (RES)
Decex Communiqué No. 25 of 09.04.1998 - DOU of 10/09/1998
• Simplified Declaração Exportação (DSE)
SRF Normative Instruction No. 25, 22/12/1999 - DOU of 27/12/1999, retificada not DOU DOU of 29/12/1999 and not of 06/01/2000
Circular No. 2967, of 11.02.2000, do Banco Central do Brasil - Introduz to DSE and allows utilização do Exportação Registration (RE) nas da operações species.
• Waiver gives formalização do exchange contract, or preenchimento sendo do just enough ticket;
• gives diminuição formalização do exchange contract, or preenchimento sendo do just enough ticket;
• Utilização Simplifying do Exportação log (RES) com ou just 14 fields gives Declaração Exportação Simplified (DSE);
• Dispenses two documents da apresentação comprovem to Exportação;
• Waiver gives vinculação do ao exchange contract document Exportação (RE, RES ou DSE).
Obs: O exporter Devera manter for 5 years all documents you da uma Exportação for eventual solicitação do Banco Central do Brasil.
• Ticket Exchange
Operation Empowering be held before boarding gives merchandise or later.
Note, however not that or maximum deadline is 90 days after previous or shipment date.
Submit letter Authorizing the bank:
• A simplified hiring erly;
• The corresponding credit or equivalent;
• Or Debit expenditure incidents, there.
• Ticket Exchange
• bank and signed Filled hair hair exporter;
• Information to be provided to the exporter bank hair:
Social Ledger:
Register Number not National Legal Person (CNPJ);
Full Address including telephone for contact;
Agency and current account;
Value in foreign currency.
• Simplified Export Registration (RES)
• Hair Filled exporter;
• Electronic Document is processed through the specific function of Integrated Foreign Trade System (Siscomex)
• Exports of goods Ampara normal (code 80000) tied or value of $ 50,000 or equivalent in other currencies.
• Validity use for 5 days, after this period, or RES will be automatically canceled;
• There may be ers, the operations:
Related to Automotive Regime;
Subject to the Tax Incidence of exhortation;
Subject to Special Procedures (SECEX No. 2);
Exports contingent from the Export of Textiles such.
• Simplified Export Declaration (DSE)
• Features:
• Electronic Document Issued hair exporter or his representative or terminal connected to Siscomex in;
• Exports Ampara strapped U.S. $ 50,000 or equivalent in other currencies or;
• Valid for 15 days use, elapsed time at this SDR will be automatically canceled;
• Empowering be Issued Post hairs, if not international postal Dispatch;
• Empowering be Issued by international express transport company, if not international air parcel.
More Frequently Asked Questions:
Tied Export Any $ 50K prune be conducted Simplex hair?
Yes, those All RE object, or DES RES
Only Bank of Brazil or is authorized to operate or Simplex?
Nao. Any Bank Authorized to operate in exchange mow relishing this MODES.
What is the main use or change advantage and not simplified or traditional?
Or exchange simplified and cost reduced because prune or consolidate multiple bank closings in One record. Moreover, with or Simplex, or exporter is not required to present documents linking to That You save enough for next year for 5 years proven effect of Central Bank of Brazil.
Prune not be used Simplex bank charges?
Yes But OS will be simplified or changed to after settlement effected in two billing documents outside Placed on.
The facilities are available for any of the Simplex company, any size?
Yes, Observed ceiling or $ 50 per thousand RE, RES or DES.
What is
The Simplex is an initiative of the government not sense debureaucratize Brazilian ace Export operations of securities tied to small U.S. $ 50,000.00 (fifty thousand U.S. dollars two), or equivalent in other currencies or.
Legal Base
• Simplified Change (Simplex)
Circular No. 2836, of 09.08.1998, the Central Bank of Brazil - erly or systematic breeding and simplified Allows two values admission card is conducted outside THROUGH no credit issued.
• Simplified Export Registration (RES)
Decex Communiqué No. 25 of 09.04.1998 - DOU of 10/09/1998
Simplified Export Declaration (DSE)
SRF Normative Introduction No. 25, 22/12/1999 - DOU of 27/12/1999, rectified not DOU DOU of 29/12/1999 and not of 06/01/2000
Circular No. 2967, of 11.02.2000, the Central Bank of Brazil - Enter to DSE and Allows use of Export Registration (RE) in the operations species.
• Waiver gives formalization of the exchange contract, or fill with just enough of the ticket;
• gives decreased formalization of exchange contract, or fill with just enough of the ticket;
• Simplifying the Use Export log (RES) with 14 fields or just gives Simplified Export Declaration (DSE);
• dispenses two documents proving the submission to Export;
• Waiver gives attachment to the contract document exchange Exports (RE, RES or DES).
Note: The exporter is 5 years Devera keep all the documents you an Export is possible request of the Central Bank of Brazil.
• Ticket Exchange
Operation Empowering be held before boarding gives merchandise or later.
Note, however not that or maximum deadline is 90 days after previous or shipment date.
Submit letter Authorizing the bank:
• A simplified hiring erly;
• The corresponding credit or equivalent;
• Or Debit expenditure incidents, there.
• Ticket Exchange
• bank and signed Filled hair hair exporter;
• Information to be provided to the exporter bank hair:
Social Ledger:
Register Number not National Legal Person (CNPJ);
Full Address including telephone for contact;
Agency and current account;
Value in foreign currency.
• Simplified Export Registration (RES)
• Hair Filled exporter;
• Electronic Document is processed through the specific function of Integrated Foreign Trade System (Siscomex)
• Exports of goods Ampara normal (code 80000) tied or value of $ 50,000 or equivalent in other currencies.
• Validity use for 5 days, after this period, or RES will be automatically canceled;
• There may be ers, the operations:
Related to Automotive Regime;
Subject to the Tax Incidence of exhortation;
Subject to Special Procedures (SECEX No. 2);
Exports contingent from the Export of Textiles such.
• Simplified Export Declaration (DSE)
• Electronic Document Issued hair exporter or his representative or terminal connected to Siscomex in;
• Exports Ampara strapped U.S. $ 50,000 or equivalent in other currencies or;
• Valid for 15 days use, elapsed time at this SDR will be automatically canceled;
• Empowering be Issued Post hairs, if not international postal Dispatch;
• Empowering be Issued by international express transport company, if not international air parcel.
More Frequently Asked Questions:
Tied Export Any $ 50K prune be conducted Simplex hair?
Yes, those All RE object, or DES RES
Only Bank of Brazil or is authorized to operate or Simplex?
Nao. Any Bank Authorized to operate in exchange mow relishing this MODES.
What is the main use or change advantage and not simplified or traditional?
Or exchange simplified and cost reduced because prune or consolidate multiple bank closings in One record. Moreover, with or Simplex, or exporter is not required to present documents linking to That You save enough for next year for 5 years proven effect of Central Bank of Brazil.
Prune not be used Simplex bank charges?
Yes But OS will be simplified or changed to after settlement effected in two billing documents outside Placed on.
The facilities are available for any of the Simplex company, any size?
Yes, Observed ceiling or $ 50 per thousand RE, RES or DES.
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What is
The Simplex is an initiative of the Brazilian government in order to Reduce bureaucracy for small export transactions Amounts up to $ 50,000.00 (fifty thousand United States dollars) or the equivalent in other currencies.
Legal grounds
• Simplified Exchange (Simplex)
Circular No 2836 of 09.08.1998, the Central Bank of Brazil - Creates a systematic and simplified exchange Allows the entry of values is Conducted through credit cards Issued abroad.
• Simplified Export Registration (RES)
Decex Communiqué No. 25 of 09.04.1998 - DOU of 10/09/1998
• Simplified Export Declaration (DSE)
Introduction SRF No. 25 of 12.22.1999 - DOU of 27/12/1999, rectified in the Gazette of 29.12.1999 and 06.01.2000 in the Gazette of
Circular No 2967 of 11.02.2000, the Central Bank of Brazil - Introduces the SDR and Allows the use of Export Registration (RE) in the operations of the species.
• Exemptions from the formalization of the exchange agreement, with just enough filling the billet;
• Decrease the formalization of the exchange agreement, with just enough filling the billet;
• Using the Export Simply log (RES) with only 14 fields or the Simplified Export Declaration (DSE);
• Exemption from submission of documents evidencing export;
• Exemption from binding contract to export document exchange (RE, RES or DES).
Note: The exporter must Maintain for five years all the export documents for the Possible request of the Central Bank of Brazil.
• Billet Exchange
The operation may be held before or after the goods are shipped.
Note, However, that the maximum period is 90 days before or after the date of shipment.
Submit letter to the bank Authorizing:
• The hiring of simplified exchange;
• Credit the equivalent thereof;
• The flow of the Incurred expenses, if any.
• Billet Rates
• Completed and signed by the bank by the exporter;
• Information to be provided by the exporter to the bank:
Company Name:
Number in the National Register of Legal Entities (CNPJ);
Full address, including contact telephone number;
Agency and current account;
Value in foreign currency.
• Simplified Export Registration (RES)
• Completed by the exporter;
• Electronic document processed through specific function in the Integrated Foreign Trade (Siscomex)
• Ampara regular exports of goods (code 80000) up to the value of $ 50,000 or equivalent in other currencies;.
• Valid for use of 5 days, after this period, the RES will be automatically canceled;
• There may be an object of RES, the operations:
Tied to the Automotive Regime;
Subject to tax Incidence Exhortation;
Subject to special procedures (Secex Ordinance No. 2);
Contingent of exports such as textile export.
• Simplified Export Declaration (DSE)
• Electronic document Issued by the exporter or his representative in terminal connected to Siscomex;
• Ampara exports up to $ 50,000 or the equivalent in other currencies;
• Valid for use for 15 days, by such time, the DES will be automatically canceled;
• Can be Issued by mail, in case of international postage;
• Can be delivered by international express transportation company, in the case of international air parcel.
Frequently Asked Questions:
About simplified exchange
Any export up to $ 50,000 can be conducted by Simplex?
Yes, all those RE object, or DES RES
Only the Bank of Brazil is authorized to operate the Simplex?
No. Any bank authorized to deal in foreign exchange can offer this modality.
What is the main advantage of using the simplified exchange and not the traditional?
The cost of the simplified exchange is reduced because the bank can consolidate multiple locks on one record. Moreover, with the Simplex, the exporter is not required to submit link documents, rather than keep them for 5 years for purposes of attestation with the Central Bank of Brazil.
Can be used in bank collection Simplex?
Yes But the simplified exchange will be effected only after the settlement of the documents placed in charge abroad.
The Simplex facilities are available to any company, of any size?
Yes, subject to the ceiling of $ 50 000 for RE, RES or DES.
More in this category: «Sample Invoice for Export Simplified to USD 50,000.00 FROM JUNE 2013, ALL COMPANIES SHOULD INFORM YOUR INVOICES IN TAXES FEDERAL, STATE AND MUNICIPAL. '
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