The Gross weight or the Cubed Weight of the loads, it defines the value to be I paid by the transport, in agreement with his/her modality, besides being an important factor for his/her handling and the transport of the commodities.
The transport of the load is collected in agreement with the weight of the merchandise or the space that she occupies, always what goes larger.
Know as to do these calculations and to advance their transport costs, discovering if he/she sweats load possesses or cubature.
Length | Height | Width | |
0,40 | 0,40 | 0,40 | |
Result | 0,064m³ |
Length | Diameter | Diameter | |
2,100 m | 1,000 m | 1,000 m |
Para volumes cilíndricos, multiplica-se o diâmetro 2 vezes |
Result |
2,100 m³ |
In the aerial transport, for regulation IATA, an aircraft accommodates 166,66 kg in 1 cubic meter, in other words, the weight relationship / volume is of 1:6 |
The calculation is always the same : X m³ x 166,66 Kg |
Retaking the given examples, we will observe how it is the Gross weight relationship and Weight Cubed in the aerial transport |
Type |
Gross weight | Cubed | Cubed weight | |
Box |
5 Kg | 0,064 m³ | 10,66 Kg | |
Cylinder |
1.500 Kg | 2,10 m³ | 349,98 Kg | |
For the application of the transport tariffs (weight tax), always the larger weight prevails. In the case of the box it will be the CUBED WEIGHT and in the one of the cylinder it will be the GROSS WEIGHT |
In the marine transport, for convention 1 ton and equal to 1m³ |
Retaking the given examples, we will observe how it is the Gross weight relationship and Weight Cubed in the marine transport |
Type |
Gross weight | Cubed | Cubed weight | |
Box |
5 Kg | 0,064 m³ | 1 Ton | |
Cylinder |
1.500 Kg | 2,10 m³ | 2,10 Ton | |
In the case of the marine transport, the bill is still simpler. He is considered that always 1 cubic meter is same to 1 ton. In the case of the box the minimum tariff will be collected, that it can vary between ½ and 1 ton, in agreement with the marine company to be used. In the case of the cylinder the weight tax will be of 2,10 tons, although the load has GROSS WEIGHT of 1,5 tons. |
The Rule is.......... it always Prevails what goes larger !