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  • Free customs liberation for the ruling customs officer and other
  • He allows the closing of I exchange simplificity/SIMPLEX through bank ticket
  • There is no volume limit for his load, with the value even US$ 50,000.00
  • The export can be area or marine
  • Attendance of his document or merchandise to the contracted final destiny
  • Liberation electronically made through DSE (Simplified Declaration of Export)
  • VEXTRA COURIER EXPRESS asks the exporter to emit only his/her receipt, being VEXTRA COURIER EXPRESS entrusted of the retreat of the load and the remaining path (emission of DSE, AWB, B/L, and Commercial Invoice), not burdening with any additional costs as emission of REVERSE, withdrawal of SDA and customs liberation
  • VEXTRA COURIER EXPRESS transports Viracopos/Guarulhos even and it promotes the ruling customs officer immediately in the useful day subsequent to the collection
  • Without weight restriction and or number of volumes. VEXTRA COURIER EXPRESS doesn't impose restrictions to the total weight of the remittance or the number of volumes
  • VEXTRA COURIER EXPRESS through a specific software, will facilitate the preparation and emission of the necessary documents for export facilitated US$ 50,000.00 even
  • Immediate connections and with total control, individual of each package, for more than 20 thousand destinies, in 200 countries, in the five continents
  • Conexões imediatas e com controle total, individual de cada pacote, para mais de 20 mil destinos, em 220 países, nos cincos continentes
  • His remittance for VEXTRA COURIER EXPRESS, will put at your disposal the whole necessary support documentation for the closing of I exchange/SIMPLEX corresponding close to the banks
  • You can track her remittance directly, at any moment, for the internet or for the specific software of VEXTRA COURIER EXPRESS
  • VEXTRA COURIER EXPRESS guarantees that his remittance will arrive on time to his destiny
  • Guaranteed the immediate embarkment after the customs liberation, in reliable flights, five days a week, starting from Viracopos and or Guarulhos
  • In the export system facilitated to US$ 50,000.00 DSE (Simplified Declaration of Export), how many remittances can you make wants daily, weekly or monthly; not caring for the same or for several consignee, or be not there is any restriction for volumes, weight or even amount of exports made at the same time. Only the value should be observed of even US$ 50,000.00
  • VEXTRA COURIER EXPRESS provides him/her varied options of revenue, in agreement with their needs - freight pré-pays, freight to collect, imposed pré-pay, imposed pay by the addressee, etc.
  • In the global economy, the small ones, personal computer and averages companies can export to the main markets until the value US$ 50,000.00, without the conventional bureaucracy of an export and without the costs customs officers

VEXTRA COURIER EXPRESS is structured for the services rendered in several industrial segments, with inclusion in the whole Brazilian territory and more than 200 countries, whose operations are attended by the units or agents of VEXTRA COURIER EXPRESS located in strategic places.

VEXTRA COURIER EXPRESS, structured with advanced operating system and specialized team, it is ready to assist the needs of her company, offering services as:
Elaboration of Projects
Through own methodology, VEXTRA COURIER EXPRESS develops projects totally customizados. In partnership with their providers, it proposes solutions in agreement with the operation, accompanying all of the stages of the application.
Fiscal consultantship
Development of projects of fiscal logistics, besides additional services of auditing and fiscal bookkeeping.
Programmed collections
Programming of the collections standart or milk run, managing the windows of time and coordinating simultaneously, the dimension of the vehicles for each operation.
Storage and Services Operational Logístics
Administration of Centers of Distribution with support of the system WMS (Warehouse Management System), besides making available unitization services, packing, kitting, cross docking, consolidation and desconsolidation.
Operational Administration
VEXTRA COURIER EXPRESS has a Center of Operational Control - CCO, where it centralizes all of the operational information (traffic, safe, maintenance, storage and transport) in order to make available them to the customers in a fast and reliable way, through telemarketing or electronic tho track of data (Internet).
Administration of Risks
All containing the contingency plans, guaranteeing the safety of the merchandise against robbery, misleading or transport damages and storage. VEXTRA COURIER EXPRESS maintains partnerships with insurance companies and it manages escort's procedures, track and radio.
National Distribution
Service of delivery door-to-door. Through advanced planning logístico, it guarantees intelligent route, programming of deliveries in the period combined, better dimension of the vehicles and maximization of the use, besides the delivery just-in-team and services of line provisioning (line feeding).

Loads Emergency
Service of delivery of urgent loads. In agreement with the destiny and the profile of the load, VEXTRA COURIER EXPRESS evaluates the modal alternatives (aerial / road / marine) and dimension the vehicle to be used, guaranteeing the smallest time with the minimum cost.
Optimization of the Operations
He foresees cost reduction through the optimization of the operation logistics, looking for the continuous refine of the operation and of the service level, through an action for-active in relation to the goals of the main acting indicators.

  • Service carries the door in more 200 countries and territories
  • He collects and delivery of remittances and national and international orders
  • Electronic attendance of their documents or merchandise to the final destiny
  • Electronic to track of their documents and goods
  • Export facilitated US$ 50,000.00 even
  • I dispatch free customs officer for DSE (Simplified Declaration of Export)
  • Import through DSI (Simplified Declaration of Import)
  • System logístic of national and international distribution

What is

Simplex is an initiative of the Brazilian government in the desburocratizar sense the operations of export of small values–even US$ 50.000,00 (dollars of United States), or the equivalent in another coins.

Legal base

•    Simplified exchange (Simplex)

To circulate no. 2836, of 08/09/1998, of the Central Bank of Brazil–it Creates the systematic of the simplified exchange and it allows that the entrance of the values is driven through credit card emitted in the exterior.

•    Simplified registration of Export (CATTLES)

Release Decex no. 25, 04/09/1998–I GIVE of 10/09/1998

•    Simplified declaration of Export (DSE)

Normative introduction SRF no. 25, 22/12/1999–I GIVE of 27/12/1999, rectified in I GIVE it of 29/12/1999 and in I GIVE it of 06/01/2000

To circulate no. 2967, of 11/02/2000, of the Central Bank of Brazil–it Introduces DSE and it allows the use of the Registration of Export (RE) in the operations of the species.


•    It releases of the formalização of the exchange contract, being just enough the preenchimento of the ticket;

•    Decrease of the formalização of the exchange contract, being just enough the preenchimento of the ticket;

•    Use of the registration of Export Simplifying (CATTLES) with just 14 fields or of the Simplified Declaration of Export (DSE);

•    It releases of the presentation of the documents that you/they check the export;

•    It releases of the vinculação of the exchange contract to the export document (RE, CATTLES or DSE).
Obs: THE exporter should maintain for 5 years all the documents of the export for an eventual solicitation of the Central Bank of Brazil.


•    Exchange ticket

The operation can be celebrated before or after it embarks him of the merchandise.
To observe, however, that the maximum prazo is of until previous or posterior 90 days to the date of the it embarks.

To present letter to the bank authorizing:

•    The recruiting of the simplified exchange;

•    The credit the corresponding contravalor;

•    The debit of the incident expenses, if there is.


•    Ticket of Exchange


•    Filled by the bank and signed by the exporter;

•    Information be she supplied by the exporter to the bank:

Social reason:

Number in the National Cadaster of legal entity (CNPJ);

I address complete, besides telephone for contact;

Agency and checking account;

Value in foreign coin.

•    Simplified registration of Export (CATTLES)


Filled by the exporter;

•    I document electronic processed by means of specific function in the Integrated System of External Trade (Siscomex)

•    It aids normal exports of goods (code 80.000) until the value of US$ 50 thousand or equivalent in another coins;.

•    Validity for use of 5 days, elapsed that period, him CATTLES will be canceled automatically;

•    They cannot be object of the CATTLES, the operations:

Linked to the Regime Automotivo;

Subject to the incidence of the Tax of Exhortation;

Subject to special procedures (it would Carry Secex no. 2);

Of exports contingenciadas, such as export of textile.


O que é
O Simplex é uma iniciativa do governo brasileiro no sentido de desburocratizar as operações de exportação de pequenos valores até   US$ 50.000,00 (cinquenta mil dólares dos Estados Unidos), ou o equivalente em outras moedas.
Base Legal
•    Câmbio Simplificado (Simplex)
Circular nº 2836, de 08/09/1998, do Banco Central do Brasil – Cria a sistemática do câmbio simplificado e permite que o ingresso dos valores seja conduzido através de cartão de crédito emitido no exterior.
•    Registro de Exportação Simplificado (RES)
Comunicado Decex nº 25, de 04/09/1998 – DOU de 10/09/1998
•    Declaração Simplificada de Exportação (DSE)
Introdução Normativa SRF nº 25, de 22/12/1999 – DOU de 27/12/1999, retificada no DOU de 29/12/1999 e no DOU de 06/01/2000
Circular nº 2967, de 11/02/2000, do Banco Central do Brasil – Introduz a DSE e permite a utilização do Registro de Exportação (RE) nas operações da espécie.
•    Dispensa da formalização do contrato de câmbio, sendo suficiente apenas o preenchimento do boleto;
•    Diminuição da formalização do contrato de câmbio, sendo suficiente apenas o preenchimento do boleto;
•    Utilização do registro de Exportação Simplificando (RES) com apenas 14 campos ou da Declaração Simplificada de Exportação (DSE);
•    Dispensa da apresentação dos documentos que comprovem a exportação;
•    Dispensa da vinculação do contrato de câmbio ao documento de exportação (RE, RES ou DSE).
Obs: O exportador deverá manter por 5 anos todos os documentos da exportação para uma eventual solicitação do Banco Central do Brasil.
•    Boleto de câmbio
A operação poderá ser celebrada antes ou depois do embarque da mercadoria.
Observar, no entanto, que o prazo máximo é de até 90 dias anterior ou posterior à data do embarque.
Apresentar carta ao banco autorizando:
•    A contratação do câmbio simplificado;
•    O crédito o contravalor correspondente;
•    O débito das despesas incidentes, se houver.
•    Boleto de Câmbio
•    Preenchido pelo banco e assinado pelo exportador;
•    Informações a serem fornecidas pelo exportador ao banco:
Razão Social:
Número no Cadastro Nacional de Pessoa Jurídica (CNPJ);
Endereço completo, inclusive telefone para contato;
Agência e conta corrente;
Valor em moeda estrangeira.
•    Registro de Exportação Simplificado (RES)
•    Preenchido pelo exportador;
•    Documento eletrônico processado por meio de função específica no Sistema Integrado de Comércio Exterior (Siscomex)
•    Ampara exportações normais de bens (código 80.000) até o valor de US$ 50 mil ou equivalente em outras moedas;.
•    Validade para utilização de 5 dias, decorrido esse prazo, o RES será automaticamente cancelado;
•    Não poderão ser objeto do RES, as operações:
Vinculadas ao Regime Automotivo;
Sujeitas à incidência do Imposto de Exortação;
Sujeitas  a procedimentos especiais (Portaria Secex nº 2);
De exportações contingenciadas, tais como exportação de têxteis.
•    Declaração Simplificada de Exportação (DSE)
•    Documento eletrônico emitido pelo exportador ou seu representante, em terminal conectado ao Siscomex;
•    Ampara as exportações até US$ 50 mil ou o equivalente em outras moedas;
•    Validade para utilização de 15 dias; decorrido esse prazo, a DSE será automaticamente cancelada;
•    Poderá ser emitida pelos Correios, no caso de remessa postal internacional;
•    Poderá ser emitido por empresa de transporte internacional expresso, no caso de encomenda aérea internacional.
Dúvidas mais freqüentes:
Sobre câmbio simplificado
Qualquer exportação até US$ 50 mil pode ser conduzida pelo Simplex ?
Sim, Todas aquelas objeto de RE, RES ou DSE
Somente o Banco do Brasil está autorizado a operar o Simplex ?
Não. Qualquer banco autorizado a operar em câmbio pode oferecer essa modalidade.
Qual é a principal vantagem utilizar o câmbio simplificado e não o tradicional ?
O custo do câmbio simplificado é reduzido, pois o banco pode consolidar vários fechamentos em um só registro. Além disso, com o Simplex, o exportador não é obrigado a apresentar a vincular documentos, bastante que os guarde por 5 anos para efeito de comprovação junto ao Banco Central do Brasil.
Pode ser utilizada cobrança bancária no Simplex ?
Sim. Porém o câmbio simplificado só será efetivado após a liquidação dos documentos colocados em cobrança no exterior.
As facilidades do Simplex estão disponíveis para qualquer empresa, de qualquer porte ?
Sim, observado o teto de US$ 50 mil por RE, RES ou DSE.

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