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Conversor de Moedas

The federal government is implementing the CT-e (Knowledge of Electronic Transport) to replace tax documents freight transportation paper. Thus, from the day eighth, carriers must…
The Simplified Export Declaration - DSE is a representative document of exports of small and medium value - up to $ 50,000 - with simplified…
Through circulate the Central Bank (BC) promoted change in the Regulation of Foreign Exchange Market and International Capital (RMCCI). The monetary authority ended with the…
The Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), and IRS rulings promoted adjustments in order to provide users of the Integrated Foreign Trade Services,…
The President Dilma, signed on 12.28.2012, Law 12,741, whose menu mentions measures clarification to consumers (Consumer Protection Code). Actually this law obliges companies (industry, trade…
BRASILIA - The Brazilian trade balance registered in January, the worst monthly balance in 24 years. The result - the difference between exports and imports…
Companies throughout the country can identify Electronic Invoices issued against your CNPJ Companies can identify the Electronic Invoice (NF-e) issued against her in any CNPJ…
The import of medicinal products intended for individuals is permitted provided that supported by prescription. In this case, is exempt from qualification in the Siscomex…
It is a service designed specifically for small business owners who wish to have access to the outdoor market offering procedures that facilitate and expedite…
You can produce and sell, which is a practice for most exporters. Why not sell what others produce?  What we are suggesting is a complementary activity.…
The Simplified Export Declaration - DSE is a representative document of exports of small and medium value - up to $ 50,000 - with simplified…
REI - Registration of Exporters and Importers   REI ( Registration of Exporters and Importers ) is a register that companies should take to export…
Drawback SchemeHistory , Feature and How to Use Created in 1966, the Drawback scheme allows imports unencumbered by taxes linked to a commitment to export…
Closing of Exchange Contracts The closing exchange is a very important stage in the export process , because that is when the sale to the…
PROTECTIVE MEASURES , GRANT , Dumping and Countervailing Duties DID YOU KNOW ? That unfair practices in international trade are dumping and subsidy?That the meaning…
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